About Us
The tarallificio and pasta factory “I capricci del pellegrino” was born in the ancient city of Noicattaro south-east of the capital of Puglia, becoming over the years a small artisan activity, a leading company in the production and distribution of bakery products. It is certainly one of the most influential companies in southern Italy in the production of taralli, biscuits and dry pastries, which has to be recognized the merit of having spread beyond the national borders the flavors of the great Apulian gastronomic tradition
Respect for the ancient pastificial tradition, the use of highly selected raw materials and above all 100% made in Puglia and the most modern technologies guarantee products of the highest quality, able to satisfy the specific needs of each market. All this has allowed the company to be identified nationally, and internationally, as a synonym of a typical taste of the Italian and Apulian territory and of an enogastronomic tradition appreciated all over the world.